Fall Newsletter:
We hope you all have enjoyed this beautiful summer. The season is beginning to change and we are gearing up for the upcoming snowmobile season. We would like to introduce our 2022-2023 Officers: Lee Libby, President Mike Koob, Vice President Ashley Quimby, Treasurer Danielle Ellis, Secretary John Lewis, Co Trail Master Christine Wargo, Co Trail Master Board of Directors: Mary Archer Tyler Philbrick Jake Beaulieu John Merriman Faye Zukowski Brian Clark Teddy Leahy William Kelly Brian Kelly We reorganized over the summer and have held a few meetings. Lee Libby, President has established subcommittees to begin work on all things needed. We would like to thank Matt Kennedy for his continued work and dedication to our club, he plays a very important role as the mechanic, groomer operator and trail maintenance person. Jake Beaulieu along with a couple volunteers have been working diligently with Matt getting the groomers prepared for the upcoming season. The Groomer barn has received some volunteer work on the lighting and some window upgrades. With donations collected at Clarkies pig roast we are able to continue his legacy and maintain the groomer barn. Brian Clark and Teddy Leahy have been working on building kiosks and will also be updating trailside signage. Mike Koob has been contacting some of our large landowners to continue to maintain a good relationship for the club. Faye Zukowski, Danielle Ellis and William Kelly have been working on a new website which should be launching very soon. This website will be our portal for membership renewals and new memberships. This will also in the future manage all of our landowner contacts. We are very excited for this launch! Mary Archer has been working on upcoming events such as Christmas party, Snodeo, Auction, Clarkies pig roast and next September we will be hosting a golf tournament to kick off the season. Stay tuned for more details and dates! John Merriman and Faye Zukowski began reviewing the Bylaws and working on changes which will need to be approved by the membership at the annual meeting. Jon Lewis and Christine Wargo have created a budget for the upcoming season and without membership, donations and business sponsorships none of this would be possible. We are looking at a budget of approximately $351,000 this year. Trail maintenance days have been set as October 14th, and November 5th and 6th email [email protected] Ashley Quimby and Chris Wargo have been working on transferring the Quickbooks over to online version. This will allow for a streamlined and accurate bookkeeping. We want to thank the Town of Rangeley, Rangeley Plantation and Sandy River Plantation for the municipal donations appropriated to the club. The board will hold monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of every month, please feel free to attend in person or via zoom. We would like to thank the board, officers, groomer crew, msa, volunteers and members for continued support. Think snow!! |
Rangeley Lakes Snowmobile Club | rlsc newsletter |