Rangeley Lakes Snowmobile Club
Sunday, August 7th, 2022 9:00 A.M. Attendance: Lee Libby, Mary Archer, Jake Beaulieu, John Lewis, Chris Wargo, Mike Koob, Faye Fukowski, John Merriman, Brian Clarke, Danielle Ellis, Brian Kelley Meeting Called to Order 9:00 am Members & Landowners - No one in attendance Secretaries Report ● Accept Last Meeting Minutes- Mike Koob - Faye Second ● Smarter Trails -Meeting at 11:00 Monday Morning August 8th President’s Report: ● Lee received the package for the grant for Dec. 1st sent it to Bill Pierce and worked with Steve Dudley. Moving forward we will be using him. We will be paying Bill Pierce 35/hr to write these grants ● Mike Koob will stay involved with Grant writing - Lee Libby made the motion - Faye Second ● Lee Spoke with AFM ● Lee would like to sell one of our groomers Vice President’s Report: ● Mike would like to work on the ITS route so that in oct/sept we can know where they are logging etc. ● Locate any bridge repair, some ATV trail damage to the Bemis track trail that we share. Treasurer’s Report ● Financial Report (Chris Gave report as bookkeeper) ● Boosebuck issue. Joe Higgins said to expect to have to drive to New Hampshire. Be sure to mention this in the grant. ● Chris passed out a breakdown of both Skowhegan and Franklin Savings Bank accounts. Mike went and talked to Seth, the new manager at the Rangeley branch. Franklin online gave $200 to the club. ● Franklin was just a groomer account- Some rent payments, Karen’s Payroll, ● Chris Changed everything over to Skowhegan, Payroll, Payroll Taxes etc. ● Received the $13,000 fuel grant ● Danielle & Lee will Look for V&V insurance binder Trail Master’s Report ● Budget - Chris & Jon ● Budget was created for Groomer Barn, Groomers, Etc. ● Sheet for 2022-2023 ● Jake Beaulieu made a motion to accept the proposed Groomer & Trail Maintenance Budget, Brian Kelley Second the Motion. All In favor Committee Reports: Social Media Committee- Faye Zukowski , William Kelley ● Faye and William met and have deleted all members from the members only page Trails Committee -Brian Clarke , Teddy Leahy ● Brian Clarke brought out trails signs and marking trails, Matt asked that we could put out the signs. 16’ wide bridges groomers will fit, Received the book on how to sign trails. ● Jake and Chad removed all the old signs they are at the Barn ● John Durkens from onyx would like to pay for all of the kiosks ● Use PVC to make them less permanent. ● Kiosks should generate income to be able to pay for themselves. Mary will look into ● Brian is going to build the kiosks, Signs will have Map (you are here) Corrugated maps (Use tamper proof screws) Faye Zukoswki made a motion to start making kiosks, Jake Beaulieu Second motion - All in Favor ● Need contact with landowners to begin maintenance Business Sponsorship - Jon Lewis, Chris Wargo, Mary Archer, Lee Libby, Faye Zukowski, Jake Beaulieu ● Mary usually sends a letter about the previous season. ● Jon Lewis recommends adding in some numbers for revenue that the club brings to the community and their businesses. Events and Fundraising - Tyler Philbrick, Mary Archer, John Merriman ● Faye recommends we do a trails day event with a BBQ etc. ● Mary approached Crystal about the Halloween party, maybe paying for Tom Ball, Have swag at the door. ● Mary will make a list of all the events and present it in September ● Jake will look into the racing company we have used in the past ● Snodeo needs a refresh, Everyone come back with some good ideas for snodeo Upcoming events: Next Meeting - September 6th - 6:00pm Adjournment: 10:22am
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Rangeley Lakes Snowmobile Club
Wednesday, July 6th, 2022 6:00 P.M. Attendance: Lee Libby, Chris Wargo, John Merriman, Jacob Beaulieu, Danielle Ellis, Ashley Quimby, Jon Lewis, Faye Zukowski, Brain Clarke, Brian Kelley, William Kelley Meeting Called to Order 6:02 pm Members & Landowners - No members or land owners present at this meeting ● Lee would like members and landowners to give us a heads up on issues etc. Secretaries Report ● Accept Last Meeting Minutes- accepted President’s Report - nothing to report Vice President’s Report ● Summer maintenance ● land owner permissions ○ Marty Belt at the town office can get all of the up to date information for us. ○ Get the major information to Marty Treasurer’s Report ● Financial Report ○ Ashley has never had any access to any of this information. Chris Wargo takes over the books Thursday, July 7th, 2022. ○ Lee asked if everyone is ok with Chris signing the checks. Jon Lewis suggested creating an audit committee. Brian Kelley suggests that we print out a monthly financial report. Print an expenditure report. ● V&V Insurance ○ Lee is going take care of the application, Will be filed by Monday ● Repair cost and groomer down time for the past season ○ Three breakdowns, pump issue, o-ring issue ○ Chris mentioned oil sample kits for preventative maintenance ○ Pistenbully paid for most of it because it is something that they looked over Trail Master’s Report ● Jon Lewis - Met with Matt. Chris and Jon will have a budget together for the groomer barn. They would like to have a vote once they have real numbers ● Jon will have a budget together for trail maintenance for the next meeting. ● Jon has several volunteers that are already asking to help. Jake has people going up to the barn to organize etc. ● Matt has been cleaning out. Painting the floor and cleaning out grim in the barn. Lots of organization done, tools etc. ● Matt needs outdoor lights, gable window (Lee has the windows), Gable End vents (Donated by Rangeley Lakes Builders Supply), ● All signs have been picked up, Dube drag has been worked on, Original drag was taken apart and new blades, repainted etc. ● Chris is going in once a week and checking on Matt. He has a list and she is checking to make sure that these things are completed etc. ● Hay Trailer is leaking, Lee would like to just seal it for this year. ● NOTHING CAN HAPPEN UNTIL WE HAVE THE LANDOWNER RELATIONS COMPLETED! ● Lee wants our new land owner permissions to allow minor earth work so that we can bring in bigger machinery for bigger jobs. Up to 14000 lbs. ● Lee, Mike and Mary met with the state. They have appointed liaisons to communicate with us Old Business ● Smarter trails ○ Mike made a motion to accept using Smart Trails for our membership, Ashley Quimby Second that, All in favor. New Business ● Create subcommittees ○ Lee made committee appointments ■ Trails Committee- Brian Clarke, Jake Beaulieu, Teddy Leahy (Headed by Chris Wargo & Jon Lewis) ■ Membership - Faye Zukowski, Danielle Ellis, Brian Kelley ■ Business Sponsorship - Chris Wargo and Jon Lewis ■ Events & Fundraising - Mary Archer, John Merriman, Tyler Philbrick ■ Social Media Committee - William Kelley & Faye Zukowski ■ Bylaws Committee - Faye Zukowski & John Merriman ■ Landowner Permissions - Marty Belt @ Town office & Steve Dudley ■ Budget Committee - Ashley, Lee, Mike Koob, Jon Lewis & Chris Wargo ■ Grant Writing - Steve Dudley & Bill Pierce (35/hour, looking into agricultural grants) put on agenda to vote on paying Bill Pierce (He will pay himself with the grants that he writes) Faye Zukowskie makes a motion to pay a grant writer, Brian Kelley seconds, All in favor ■ Snodeo Committee - EVERYONE Lee does not need 15 people at every meeting. 1 person from each committee, 4 times a year each quarter there will be a mandatory meeting where everyone will need to be there. Always can zoom in. ● Begin discussion on creating a 2022-2023 budget ● Amazon Smile donation account ○ Portion of your Amazon shopping can go to a nonprofit. When you buy something from amazon you choose the nonprofit and a portion of your shopping goes to that nonprofit. Danielle makes a motions to get an account set up on amazon smiles, Lee Seconds, All in Favor. ● Create monthly meeting schedule ○ Friday Meetings 5pm - Mandatory ○ First Tuesday Meeting 5pm - Other Meetings ● Quickbooks online ○ Chris would like to use the Online Plus Version/ offers budget features, Track spending etc. ○ Mike Koob makes a motion to accept that Chris switches to Quickbooks online, Jake Beaulieau Seconds, All in Favor ● Staggered board member terms ○ So that we do not have a complete change over, change it to 3 year terms, put our names in a hat and decide who is up next year etc. Bylaws state 3 years. ● All reports/minutes available to members ○ Minutes won't be posted until they are approved at the following meeting. Smarter Trails will house these minutes for members and board members to be able to revisit ● Trail signage & Kiosks ○ Lee received permission to put our signs in permanently. Jake will be in charge of this. Update all old kiosks. Faye says that a business would like to build them if we put their name on it. Kiosk donated by plaque. ○ Needs to look into signage with V&V insurance company ● Radar Runs at snodeo ○ Harrison Riders Other ● Businesses adopt a trail ● Members only Page ○ Lee doesn’t want the page, Faye believes that we should make a post that the page will be closing, we will only have one facebook page without commenting, Mike Koob makes a motion to accept, Chris Wargo seconds the motion. All in Favor ○ Report-A-Problem email address, William Kelley will have access. William is going to look into it and get back to us at the next meeting. ● Cut down on facebook chatter etc. Any issues need to be filtered out and sent to the correct source, trailmaster etc. How do we eliminate all of the emails and posts asking about the trail conditions etc. ● Mike says we should update facebook and website once or twice a week for trail conditions etc. Chris or Jon would be in charge of this as a trailmaster. Shut facebook replies off. Link in the live webcams to our website/facebook page. Upcoming events ● Logging Day Parade July 16th ○ We will not be participating this year Adjournment - 7:26 pm Rangeley Lakes Snowmobile Club Meeting
Sunday, June 26th, 2022 3:00 P.M. Executive Committee: President Jonny WakeField, Vice President Tyler Philbrick Attendance: Danielle Ellis, Nicole Lewis, Jon Lewis, John Merriman, Donna Merriman, Jacob Beaulieau, Chad Alexander, Matt Kennedy, Tim Lyons, George W., Bill Lincoln, Eric Pomerleau, Domenic Pono, Chris Wargo, Brian Wargo, Nathan Walker, Kathy Walker, Lee Libby, Chriss Higgins, Mary Archer, Ryan O’Neil, Mike Koob, Brad Stokes, James Eastlack, Jim W. , George Rensky, Kate Rensky Zoom Attendance: Faye Zukowski, Ed Zukowski, Paul Pearla, Denise Krula, John Krula Meeting was called to order: at 3:07 P.M. Vice President Report:
President: Lee Libby & Mike Koob
Mike Koob - 3 votes Vice President: Lee Libby & Mike Koob
Mike Koon - All in Favor Secretary: Danielle Ellis
Treasurer: Ashley Quimby
Co Trail Masters: Jon Lewis & Chris Wargo
Chris Wargo - All In Favor Directions: Mary Archer, Faye Zukowski, Tyler Philbrick, Brian Kelley, William Kelley, Jacob Beaulieau, John Merriman, Brian Clarke, Teddy Leahy (nominated at meeting by members in attendance)
Faye Zukowski - All in Favor Tyler Philbrick - All in Favor Brian Kelley - All in Favor William Kelley - All in Favor Jacob Beaulieau- All In Favor John Merriman - All in Favor Brian Clarke - All in Favor Teddy Leahy - All in Favor Volunteer Secretary’s Assistant: Members in attendance nominated Jess Ebert
Bookkeeper: Chris Wargo has volunteered to be the bookkeeper for the 2022-2023 season Membership Report: Danielle Ellis reported about the meeting that took place with Faye Zukowski (Member) and Andy Meyers at Smarter Trails. This software will be online and was proposed at this meeting to adopt this for the 2022-2023 season. Change to Signatory of Accounts: For the 2022-2023 season the board approves the change of signatory to Lee Libby, Mike Koob, Chris Wargo, Ashley Quimby and Danielle Ellis Motion to Adjourn at 3:20 P.M.: Made by: Chris Wargo Seconded by: Tyler
Next Meeting: July 6th, 2022, 6pm at 2378 Main Street Summit Homes Main Office Conference Room |
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